What Makes a Security System Worth the Money

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article titled “Are Security Systems Worth the Money?” Given my career path, needless to say, I had no problem filling the pages with good reasons for why the purchase of a security system is worth the dollars spent. But a better question keeps spinning in my head, beckoning to be answered. Of course, I think security systems are worth the money, but what truly makes a security system worth its value? Is it the rapid technological advances that have allowed for better products or the feeling of safety when you close up the house at night and tuck the kids into bed? At Innovate SFL, we have invested in answering these questions and providing the customer with simple solutions to achieve peace of mind. We believe that security customers are looking for easy to install, high-quality security solutions that are less expensive than the traditional dealer products and backed up with ongoing customer service. Before Innovate SFL, the DIY security marketplace didn’t have a product that could meet all these needs. Understanding our customers’ needs is the heart of Innovate Security for Life. 

In the twenty years of helping customers design and purchase security systems as an owner of a custom security installation company, there was a common thread of what created the “worth” for clients. Clients wanted to know that the company they decided to provide security was sincerely invested in protecting those they care about and the things they valued most. It wasn’t the technology or the price; although the price was important, it was the idea that the company they had picked really cared about what the security system is designed to help protect. Their family, their pets, their heirlooms, and the things that could not be replaced if lost. So in simple terms what really creates the worth in the security system purchase equation is customer service and the idea that the company monitoring your home or business really cares about the ongoing job they have been hired to do. 

But in a world where person-to-person interactions are becoming rarer and quick and easy e-commerce is dominating the consumer market, how does a company create an authentic customer service value proposition? I believe that this value has to be inherent in the culture of the organization. An understanding that what makes our job worth doing is that we play a critically important role in helping to protect people “just like us.” We all have people, pets, and things we care about and want to safeguard. This is a company’s cultural mindset and it cannot be achieved without being genuinely invested in the well-being of our clients. So in order to create real value for customers buying security systems, at its core Innovate Security for Life Inc. had to start with an inherent understanding that our clients are just like us. And if it were our loved ones, family pets, captured memories, or items passed down through generations being protected, what would we want in customer service from our security equipment and monitoring company? 

Innovatesfl.com acts like a small company in attending to its customers’ unique needs, all the while growing into an organization with a national reach through an e-commerce platform and a greatly expanded market. In order to keep this balance, the innovatesfl.com team carefully planned out how to bring the same level of customer service we offered on a local level to a client base that is national in scale. The PSA (Personal Security Assistant) program was born. It is the blending of the traditional security company with the ever-increasing trend and widespread adoption of the DIY/self-Install security option. 

When I was evaluating the DIY/self-install offers before creating innovatesfl.com, this blending of the older traditional security model and the new DIY/self-install e-commerce model was what I found missing in the broader market. The DIY offers that existed and for the most part have not changed, had a low price, low-quality, “buy your system and you’re on your own” attitude. This is the attitude innovatesfl.com is changing with a completely different DIY/self-install style and offer. Yes, it is possible to have a DIY/self-install security product that provides high-quality customer service through a ”just like us” company culture, with the highest quality professional products at prices far below what traditional security installations cost. With our patented installation mount, Innovatesfl has a security offer that has filled the wide gap that exists in the DIY/self-install security market offers today. 

So, what makes a security system worth the money? In my opinion, it isn’t the latest cooler than cool tech feature or the questionable limited time only free security system offer, but rather the ongoing relationship between the security provider and the security client and how that relationship is established, maintained, and managed. At innovatesfl.com we understand our clients are all different but at the core, they are “just like us.”