Innovate Support
At Innovate we provide you with excellent service and commitment. Your family’s life safety is our number one concern, and we demonstrate our support with a well-trained customer support staff. From the moment you view our website our Personal Security Assistants are available to answer your questions. They are available to help you through every step of your purchase, installation, and ongoing use. Every event that triggers an alert, registers with our professional monitoring company and can be accessed. Our contracts are two-way agreements that serve as our promise to watch out for you, your family, and your investments.
Check the other options. They don’t want to make any promises other than guarantees about equipment because that’s what they care about: selling you equipment. Your family’s life safety is our number one concern and we will demonstrate that support from the moment your system arrives to every event that triggers an alert. That’s why at Innovate we only offer professionally monitored services. Our contracts are two way agreements that serve as our promise to watch out for you, your family, and your investments.